المنوعات > درس الانكليزية

◄ ░ درس في اللغة الانجليزية ░ ►التلخيص..............Summarising





A  summary is much shorter  than the  original text. It  should communicate  the main idea of the  text and  the  main  supporting  points —  written ‘in  your own words’. — in a very brief form. The summary should give someone who has not read the original a clear and accurate  overview of the text.  A  formal  summary should also include the author, title, year of publication and source of the original. Writing a summary requires a thorough understanding of the content of the text and the ability to paraphrase.

To summarise

   Record the author, title, year of publication and source of the text.

     Skim the text. Note any sub-headings, or try to divide the text into sections.

     Read the text  carefully. Use a  dictionary if necessary,  and be prepared to read very difficult texts more than once.

     Pay special attention to the first and last paragraphs. Try to identify the main idea or argument.

      Identify the  topic sentence in  each paragraph.  This is  frequently the  first sentence in the paragraph.

     Identify the main support for the topic sentence.

    Write the topic sentence of your summary. Include the  author’s  name, the title of the  text, the  year  of  publication  and  the  author’s  main  idea  or argument

Titles of books should appear in italics with maximal or minimal capitalisation

 MAXIMAL           Good Style: Writing for Science and Technology MINIMAL             Good style: Writing for science and technology

Titles  of  articles,  chapters and  short  stories  should  appear  in  single  inverted commas with minimal capitalization

اسير الروح1:
 يسلمو وردة دومج متالقة

يسلمووو على الردود الحلوة ياحلوين ;)

عاشت الايادي ورده

يسلمووو على الرد الحلو ياوردة


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